Three WooCommerce Themes for Your E-Commerce Shop

If you’ve been using WordPress to build e-commerce sites for any period of time, you’re no doubt familiar with WooCommerce. Once installed, it allows even the most inexperienced webmasters to quickly slap together a full-featured online storefront. If you want your WooCommerce store to stand out, picking a great theme is a key consideration. Here’s a quick overview of three themes we found on ThemeForest that have a great out-of-the-box look and are worth considering.


Storesy WooCommerce Theme

If you’re looking for a WooCommerce theme that can do it all, Storesy might just be the way to go. Created by professional designers with an eye for detail, it allows you to quickly produce great layouts that are on the cutting edge of UI development. It also makes backend configuration a breeze by allowing storeowners to carefully fine-tune how products appear to consumers. Lastly, a Storesy purchase comes with technical support to help you get it installed as quickly as possible.


Grotte WooCommerce Theme

While it’s a great all-around theme for any kind of e-commerce shop, Grotte is especially well suited to sites that sell luxury goods. It’s all about creating a unique shopping experience for consumers that’ll entice them to come back for more in the future. According to the creators, few WooCommerce themes can match Grotte’s responsive design when it comes to cross-platform compatibility. Regardless of the mobile device that they prefer to use, each of your customers should see the same elegant layout with >Grotte.


Oxygen WooCommerce Theme

For e-commerce store owners who want a minimalist look, it’s hard to argue against Oxygen. By default, Oxygen delivers a spacious look that puts all of the focus on your merchandise without ignoring aesthetic appeal. It’s a great solution for webmasters with moderate HTML and CSS skills who like to start with a relatively blank slate and go from there. Oxygen allows you to add as much or as little visual flair and functionality as they see fit.

Selecting the Right WooCommerce Theme

While quality is the hallmark of nearly every WooCommerce theme, you still need to be careful when picking one out. Firstly, look at a potential theme’s customization options for future design tweaks. Furthermore, look at a theme’s release schedule. Frequent updates can break functionality and make maintenance a pain. If you’re not a coding wizard, buying a theme with topnotch support is prudent, likely a must. Keep these simple tips in mind before selecting your theme.

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